Scheduling software

Frequently asked questions
about Link2construct
Below are the questions most often asked about Link2construct planning software for the construction sector. Is your question not among them? Feel free to contact us.
Who is Link2construct?
For what businesses is Link2construct suitable?
Which existing software programmes can Link2construct replace?
What other software solutions does Link2construct link to?
What is the cost structure of Link2construct planning software?
How long does the Link2construct implementation process take?
How does Link2construct planning software provide support?
Where is data stored?
Can data from your current system be transferred to Link2construct?

Optimise your building projects

The possibilities are endless

Find out how Link2construct suits your organisation. Apply for a demonstration, so I can show you how our planning software works. Together, we can increase the efficiency of your building projects.

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    Bas Otting
    +31 88 000 65 00